
The inclusion of any site on this page does not indicate I endorse or support all of their activities or materials they may produce. They are listed solely for your information and you will need to examine the available evidence and form your own opinions about these people and organizations.

Christian sites dealing with apologetics and/or spiritual abuse

Berean Holiness- "Berean Holiness website is an attempt to push the Church back towards the direction of Christ-like holiness, a holiness which is not grounded in rules, but rather grounded in relationship." They are a 501(c)3 organization that wishes "to encourage Holiness and non-Holiness Christians alike to study the Word deeply, to better understand the majors and minors of scripture, to be able to discern a personal conviction from an essential doctrine..."

Personal Freedom Outreach- They are "a non-profit, non-denominational group with three goals: to educate Christians about the dangers and heretical doctrines of religious cults, to use the Gospel of Jesus Christ to reach members of those cults, and to warn Christians of unbiblical teachings within the Church itself."

The Watchman Fellowship - "Watchman Fellowship is an independent Christian research and apologetics ministry focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult and the New Age. David Henke founded Watchman Fellowship in Columbus, Georgia in 1979." They serve "the Christian and secular community as a resource for education, counseling, and non-coercive intervention and evangelism training."

Christian Research Institute- "The Christian Research Institute exists to provide Christians worldwide with carefully researched information and well-reasoned answers that encourage them in their faith and equip them to intelligently represent it to people influenced by ideas and teachings that assault or undermine biblical Christianity and the essentials of the historic Christian faith." Hank Hanegraaff was formerly an evangelical Protestant and he joined the Eastern Orthodox Church in 2017.

Let Us Reason Ministry- An apologetic ministry. Let Us Reason ministries has been on the Internet since 1997 and was founded by Mike Oppenheimer.

Apologetics Index - From the Netherlands. "Apologetics Index is a non-profit, online Christian ministry with a two-fold purpose: to provide Christians with apologetics research resources on cults and sects (whether defined theologically and/or sociologically), other religious movements, doctrines and practices, religion trends, spiritual abuse, ministries and other topics of interest - and to help non-Christians find relevant information on the same subjects."

Spiritual Abuse- Jeff VanVonderen was the executive director of and is the co-author of the excellent resource, "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse." The domain name was purchased 2-3 months after I obtained the domain. He used to run as well. The link now forwards you to the National Association for Christian Recovery, "a not-for-profit religious organization whose passion is the cultivation and growth of recovery communities within or in partnership with Christian churches." "In 1989, three people - Carmen Renee Berry, Pat Means, and Dale Ryan (and later joined by Dale Wolery) - began a series of meetings that led to the formation of the NACR."

Spiritwatch Ministries- "We provide balanced Biblical insight and response to the many forms of deceptive cultism and culture in our fallen world, as well as practical personal assistance from an Evangelical Christian perspective. We aid those struggling in the shadows of abusive spirituality and extremism that have engulfed them and we've helped thousands around the world out of many a human darkness." They have been around since 1993.

Spiritual Counterfeits Project- "In 1973, the Spiritual Counterfeits Project (SCP) was formed to be a frontline ministry confronting the occult, cults, and the New Age movement, explaining why they were making an impact on our society. SCP was born from the counterculture of the turbulent 60's, as the first wave of Christian conversion hit those who had left Christianity for Eastern mysticism."

Midwest Christian Outreach- "My wife, Joy, and I [Don Veinot] formed Midwest Christian Outreach, Inc. (MCOI), in April 1995 with about a dozen other like-minded people as a home mission, with an emphasis on bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cultists. At that time none of us had ever been involved in a cult, but together we shared many years of experience in various Christian counter-cult and discernment ministries where we saw the Lord rescue many from bondage to cults, the occult, and other forms of spiritual bondage."

Apologia Report- "Established in 1995, Apologia's mission is primarily educational, to equip Christians to engage their culture with the claims of Jesus Christ - to present the Christian worldview as a viable option in the 21st century." They are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

The Alpha & Omega Ministries- "James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries. He is Professor of Church History and Apologetics at Grace Bible Theological Seminary, and has taught Greek, Hebrew, Systematic Theology, Textual Criticism, Church History and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous other schools."


SNAP- "SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests is a self-help group that supports people who have been victimized by clergy, and helps them try to pick up the pieces of their lives, heal and move forward." SNAP is "the largest, oldest and most active support group for women and men wounded by religious and institutional authorities (priests, ministers, bishops, deacons, nuns, coaches, teachers, and others)."

Secular organizations dealing with cults and/or spiritual abuse

Janja Lalich, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Sociology- international authority on cults, extremism, and coercion- Dr. Lalich "specializes in self-sealing, or closed, systems (cults, narcissistic relationships, human trafficking, ideological extremism) with a particular focus on recruitment, indoctrination, and methods of influence and control. She has been an avid contributor to the field for more than 30 years through her research, publications, presentations, and social media." If you watch documentaries on unhealthy groups, you have most likely seen her. We have a playlist of many of her talks and interviews here.

Lalich Center on Cults and Coercion- "The mission of the Lalich Center is to provide life-saving resources to survivors of cults, programs in the Troubled Teen Industry, and narcissistic families or relationships. The Lalich Center prides itself on its collaborative approach and the ability to provide safe spaces for survivors through courses, workshops, and discussion groups."

International Cultic Studies Association- Information About Cults and Psychological Manipulation- Holds conferences and workshops, has numerous resources and publications. Wishes to "be of assistance to those who have been adversely affected by a cult experience." In 2005 they formally changed their name from AFF (American Family Foundation) to ICSA (International Cultic Studies Association). The change was made to reflect the organization's growing international dimension and to make its general area of interest clearer.


Cult Information Centre- England- They are "concerned about the use of deceptive and manipulative methods used by cults to recruit and indoctrinate unsuspecting members of society." They were the "first charitable organisation, established in the United Kingdom, focusing critical concern on the harmful methods of the cults."

RETIRN Re-Entry Therapy, Information & Referral Network- "Offers support group, information and referral network."Since 1983, the Re-Entry Therapy, Information & Referral Network (RETIRN) has been providing counseling, forensic (legal), consultation, information and referral services to individuals and families adversely affected by high demand groups, manipulative and totalistic social, political, transformational and/or religious movements."

Bill & Lorna Goldberg's Web Site- Bill and Lorna Goldberg have been working with former members of abusive groups for many years. They have monthly support group meetings in New Jersey. "They are clinical social workers."As Clinical Social Workers specializing since 1976 in working with people involved in cults and destructive groups, we recognize the harm that these groups do to the individuals involved, as well as to their families."

Links to Thought Reform Consultants & Exit Counselors

The above link leads to the ethical standards for thought reform consultants. Those who have signed this agreement made a commitment to refuse involuntary counseling, as well as agreed to a set of rules and regulations which will govern the manner in which they practice their profession.

Joe Szimhart- Thought Reform Consultant & Cult Mediation- Joseph Kelly


Others who work in this field:

Steven Hassan- Exit Counselor    Rick Ross- Exit Counselor

Below is a video of a talk Steven Hassan gave in 2003 about his approach to helping those in unhealthy groups.


Things to consider about exit counseling and deprogramming:

Deprogramming and Exit-Counseling: Are They For Christians?- Very good article, covering the differences between deprogramming and exit-counseling and giving an overview of what occurs in an intervention. Though geared to those in Jehovah's Witness groups, much of what it discussed would apply to any abusive group.

Deprogramming, Exit Counseling, by Michael D. Langone and Paul R. Martin

Partially updated March 9, 2024- Still needs work


August 23, 1997
Copyright © 1997-present by Lois E. Gibson
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